domingo, 12 de enero de 2014

I cheated on my job interview

Doctor: Are you going to cause any trouble?
Candidate: no Sir, I do not discuss orders, I am a hard worker and I keep my ideas for myself. 

I read an article by Franc Ponti, (thanks Fátima!) about the barriers towards Innovation within companies with a marked, let us say, "military" organisation culture. There is one point in the article about hiring professionals to which I subscribe: in the past, one key point for en employee-to-be to pass the HR tests was to be "not problematic": it is better a person that obeys, that you can shape, a team player, very organised, an executant of directors' ideas, than a problem generator or a freak (as Ponti says).
So now, it must not be weird that most of the people either in an SME or a LC are that way, because we (HR) rejected the "funny" candidates. And to those who cheated at the interviews pretending they were not at all creative and passed, we sometimes keep telling them: Who are you to have new ideas?
Now a culture shift is needed inside the company, that is for certain, but also we need a new hiring culture.


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