martes, 19 de julio de 2011

Prison break! It is hard to get out the COMFORT ZONE

After Pharaoh let the people of Israel go and leave Egypt, where they were slaves, 40 years were they walking across the desserts after the promised land of Canaan. Israelites were lead by Moses out of Egypt and through the wilderness to Mount Sinai. After ages of slavery they were at last free. But right before the crossing of the Red Sea, many of them said to Moses: WE WERE BETTER WITH PHARAOH!

Sometimes, a comfort zone is a prison in which we at least know our routine, our tasks and our limitations. But it does not have to be nice and comfy inside.
Breaking free is always hard, as it is the "passing over" towards INNOVATION.

1 comentario:

  1. Better the devil you know??
    It is really a process of insight and chances evaluation what we must go through, before having a decision taken. It is indeed hard: "at least, now, I know how to deal with my boss, my colleagues, everywhere else we have the chance to have a bad boss,... I can sort problems out easily, I have my life scheduled..." These are some of the thoughts we must bear in case for example of a job change.
