jueves, 28 de julio de 2011



I go to seek on many roads
what is to be.
True heart and strong, with love to light-
Will they not bear me in the fight
to order, shun or wield or mould
my Destiny?
(O. Henry)


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I...
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
(R. Frost) 

Whether you believe in Destiny (Henry) or Dare to find new ways (Frost), both beliefs push you to walk, take decisions upon a puzzle and keep walking!

martes, 19 de julio de 2011

"NAMING" is one of the most popular techniques in Ideation sessions

NAMING is one of the most popular techniques in Ideation "séances". 

First, I want you to know that I like calling the Ideation sessions, "séances", because in a way, I find many similarities between (not that I attended ever a séance, but movie thing, you know), like:
-a preparation or sequence is needed,
-a predisposition is needed,
-one has to be relaxed,
-there is a medium or moderator who guides through the process of idea generation,
-one you see the ghost or the muse, you're a believer!

I use and recommend to insert a Naming technique in all Ideation sessions. Everybody loves this technique, which basically consists of.....giving a name to something (a new company, a product, a technology,...).

NAMER professionals are at the summit of Ideation and Creativity process. In the process of choosing a NAME for something or somebody, one has to pass through many stages to finally produce a NAME. It is a very difficult creativity work since your only result is a bunch of letters (not a spot, or a painting, or a project).

If one tries to name, let us say a new product in the pharmaceutical industry, many things have to play in the choice: has to be catchy but elegant, remind the active ingredient or company, not to remind a bleach or fairy liquid, has a global sound,...And in all this process of searching there is, as in no other ideation search, a constant and fast process of trial-and-error.

In fact, it is after all the methods based in Concept Association by De Bono (Creativity workout book, e.g.), my second option for PRACTISING lateral thinking:

  • Try to NAME things around you: on your way to work, while watching TV,...
  • Try to find funny meanings to acronyms
  • Try to find catchy acronyms to projects or studies, etc

I recommend the technique to be placed after a brainstorming or concept-bridging or some other OPEN technique, in order for a preparation of a Solution generation or some other CLOSED technique further in the session.

A funny thing to name can consist of picking some Company's has-been trade mark and re-name it.

It is the switching open/close effort (generate/yield) that helps the brain for a further solution generation. It is just a matter of warm-up exercise in lateral thinking (usually with a bit of humor included).

Naming forces to close up and yield a result, while the Brainstorming only generates and casts ideas.

Hope this is useful.

Prison break! It is hard to get out the COMFORT ZONE

After Pharaoh let the people of Israel go and leave Egypt, where they were slaves, 40 years were they walking across the desserts after the promised land of Canaan. Israelites were lead by Moses out of Egypt and through the wilderness to Mount Sinai. After ages of slavery they were at last free. But right before the crossing of the Red Sea, many of them said to Moses: WE WERE BETTER WITH PHARAOH!

Sometimes, a comfort zone is a prison in which we at least know our routine, our tasks and our limitations. But it does not have to be nice and comfy inside.
Breaking free is always hard, as it is the "passing over" towards INNOVATION.