miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012


Alone facing Danger


I always enjoyed stories dealing with a few "normal" people fighting alone a massive invasion of villains. I can now think of The walking dead/The invasion of the body snatchers/28 days later/The last man on earth/V visitors and so on.

On the picture, we see quite a bunch of "grey", slow, hungry and dominated herd trying to turn the "colored" guy into one of them. Sometimes, that is the picture for creative or open-to-change people, who suffer the peer pressure of the invaders. Even, most of the time, they see themselves as the invaders.

As a colleague of mine once told me (M.A.P.G.), you cannot choose the side at the beginning but the conversion can be reversed bothways. "Once you feel a change is to come, it is already happening", and you won't have to wonder which side of the battle you are on.

Quoting Victor Hugo: On résiste à l'invasion des armées; on ne résiste pas à l'invasion des idées.
Certainly, One cannot resist an idea whose time has come. By letting changes come and coaching yourself to think in a lateral way, you are letting the rest of the herd know that you would like to be different. And this is dangerous. But that happens until you get to know that the creative side can also bite and fight back. A happy ending you can guess.

So, every time you look at your leg and see it is becoming grey day by day from the shoe, you gotta be doing something, mate! Do not let the herd capture you, but also, do not concentrate on fighting them but on keep walking and shining.

ey, a new post to be called "The Shining" will soon arrive.
I hope not to have bothered you with so many metaphor...